Sunday, September 17, 2006

Alex Youth Project


Hey what’s up?

So we just finished out project for the last semester....

The Brief was as follows:

We were to design a youth centre in a Township called Alex. The youth centre was to have a Gym, Library, Health Food Store, 3 x 2 Bedroom Res units and 3 x 1 Bedroom res units. The construction technique was to be steel.

For me as some people might have gathered through some of the other threads that I have posted on, I like to look at the idea of South African architecture and context. I studied the area surrounding the site, along with an analysis looking at whether the existing buildings on the site were possibly worth keeping and adjusting to fit the brief. that didn’t work, but provided a huge amount of insight into circulation in that area along with practical and logical solutions to design an appropriate solution.

so there we go, any criticism will be loved...

PS: for those of you that look at PUSHPULLBAR.... this is the same intro.... ;)


Jarrod Mittan said...

Achi,tu-zov otum,heim yochlim lagoor bu-choots!!Ze ma zmun!!
he he he----stum,tzchokim!

goldring said...


Ein Baya Achi! Ein Baya!